The project encompasses the delivery of a new two-storey facility sited to the front of the existing hospital addressing Oxford Tce including new entrance, public carparks and surrounds, and the redevelopment of existing facilities at Port Lincoln Hospital to support the delivery of a range of acute hospital and allied health services.
Specifically the project incorporated an expanded and refurbished integrated operating theatre suite totalling 1,180 sqm; a new 20 bed ward inclusive of a 6 bed inpatient mental health unit all with private ensuites comprising new floor area of 1,334 sqm; new community health facility 1,425 sqm, new allied health services including 7 public dental chairs 324 sqm; a 50 bay car-park; a refurbished ground floor entrance and sustainment works addressing high priority items within the existing hospital infrastructure.
The project highlights Mossop Construction + Interiors successful delivery with careful consideration for planning to ensure that the day to day health service operations were not compromised throughout construction. Further successes included meeting governments workforce participation and industry participation requirements; delivery of a fast track program in a regional location; dealing with existing asbestos conditions; excellence in trade, consultant and client relationship and communication; procurement and cost management; program management and mitigation strategies and overall project HSE outcomes (both contractor and public).