Completed in January 2022, a full refurbishment and construction works were made to a single storey, existing newspaper print facility, transforming it to a contemporary library building adjacent the Town Hall, integrating the two together with new landscaping.
The works included new disability ramps / DDA access provisions, high level feature ceiling panels, glazed central atrium, acoustic perforated ply paneling to minimal noise transfer within the spaces. Features of the new build included a community room, children’s play area, youth space, and historical collections area.
The adjacent businesses remained operational during the works with the library continuing business with a retail space located 500m away on the same street.
Some procurement challenges arose due to the COVID pandemic such as material shortages for insulation, timber flooring and lighting however the Mossop team worked collaboratively with the council and the project team to minimise the delays to the opening date.
Structural integrity issues were discovered following demolition works, requiring further integrity enhancements to the building and roof. The Mossop Mt Gambier team achieved a fantastic working relationship with the client, providing a revitalised building enhancing the street’s presence and creating vibrate spaces to bring the entire community together.