The construction of the 1974m2 Accommodation Building required the demolition of an existing building and site clearance of existing vegetation. The new building includes a basement gymnasium that required full benched excavation with faces of excavation shot-creted to facilitate the construction of the basement footings and walls. The deep excavation was in close proximity to adjacent structures including the cathedral stone wall where we propped an existing brick pier to provide additional support during the building works.
Due to the structural nature of the build, Mossop utilised the services of an independent engineer to review the excavation, concrete and precast works as they progressed on site to ensure works were being conducted within design limits. The design engineer was heavily involved in the project; however Mossop sought another level of comfort with the works taking place through the use of an independent structural engineer.
The external walls are off-site fabricated pre-cast concrete panels with the ground and upper floors concealed by full height masonry walls (lower sections partly rendered) to match existing buildings on site. The structure is concrete in-situ columns internally and a combination of off-form and lost formwork suspended slabs. Internally the walls are steel framed and lined with quality finishes to suit the use of the building.
The basement construction of the 3,975 m2 car park comprises a combination of contiguous bored piers shot-creted to the seen face, in-situ concrete retaining walls as well as pre-cast panels. The structure is made up of off-site pre-painted structural steel clad with a combination of pre-cast panels (both standard greys and brick-snap panels), aluminium framing (containing either glass or perforated aluminium) as well as punched aluminium (in the shape of the maple leaf) wall cladding.